Alan Davis
/Alan and Tracy have been married for 34 years. They have twelve children, most of whom played basketball in homeschool organizations. It’s a toss-up whether the Davis children or the Kirsch children are the most wonderful, but the Davis children are indisputably more numerous - just sayin'. Alan is a patent attorney. He's played lots of basketball, but mostly runs and swims now.
Alan’s been coaching boys basketball with the South Austin Warriors since 2016. Previously, he coached San Marcos Panthers Varsity girls 2010-2013 and Junior high boys 2007-2008. He enjoys teaching the basic skills around which all offensive plays and defenses are built. To the extent a player develops the subconscious habits of moving his feet on defense, boxing out, screening away from the ball, moving to the open spot, and setting a good pick and rolling off it correctly, for examples, he will enjoy the game and be valued by his teammates. He tries to give his players his attention when they are speaking and appreciates reciprocation.
Alan grew up hearing his athletic father/coach say, “Show me a good loser, and I’ll show you a good loser,” and ponders the beneficial and detrimental applications of the statement. In 1982, Alan committed himself to Jesus and began to listen to what He has to say to him, that being fostered by the practice of meditating on the Bible in large chunks. He tries to love God back by doing what pleases Him, which seems to involve caring about other people. Obeying God has brought Alan much joy and peace and a clear conscience, which he recognizes is one of the most valuable possessions a person can strive for.
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